Kingdom of Dragonspine

Amtgard in Las Cruces and the Southwest

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  1. The offices of Monarch, Regent, Champion, Guildmaster of Reeves and Prime Minister are known collectively as �the Monarchy�.
  2. A complete term of office ("reign" for royalty, "term" for other officers) lasts six months.
  3. All officers must be at least 18 years old.
  4. No person may hold more than one of the offices of the kingdom at the same time.
  5. All officers must be dues-paid members of the Kingdom of Dragonspine.
  6. The Monarch and Regent are known collectively as �the Crown�.
  7. In the event that an officer does not attend regular meetings at the main park of Dragonspine for four weeks in a row or six weeks total, that officer shall descend from office.
    1. An officer may ask the Althing to excuse absences resulting from special situations or time spent at other Amtgard functions.

Section 2.    MONARCH

  1. The Monarch (�King�, �Queen�, �Emperor�, �Empress�, etc.) is the highest ranking official in the kingdom and is the chief executive officer.
  2. The Monarch shall be elected during the Month of the Crown.
  3. The Monarch presides over all official functions and ceremonies.
    1. The exceptions are the Board of Directors, which is presided over by the President of the Board and the Guild of Knights, which is presided over by the Guildmaster of Knights.
  4. The Monarch represents the kingdom to the rest of Amtgard.
  5. The Monarch shall have the power to break all ties in all elections and Althings.
    1. The exceptions include situations in which the Monarch is a candidate in the election, in which case the Prime Minister breaks the tie, or the election is for the Guildmaster of Knights, in which case the knights shall decide how to break the tie.
    2. If the Monarch and the Prime Minister are both involved in the election as candidates, the power to break ties falls to the next highest uninvolved person in the Order of Precedence.
  6. The Monarch may never receive any orders, titles, masterhoods or knighthoods while in office.
  7. The Monarch may bestow any order, masterhood, title, or knighthood to any member of the Kingdom of Dragonspine or its sponsored chapters.
    1. The Monarch may create and bestow new orders, masterhoods and titles.
    2. A Monarch may never bestow orders, masterhoods, titles or knighthoods to members of another kingdom or its sponsored chapters without the consent of that kingdom�s Monarch.
  8. The Monarch is not required to pay any fees and is considered to be a dues-paid member while in office, and any dues already paid by the Monarch shall resume after the Monarch leaves offices.
  9. The Monarch shall hold an automatic seat on the Board of Directors.
  10. Should the position of Monarch become empty, the Regent shall assume the office of pro-tem Monarch for the remainder of the term of office. (See Note 1.)
  11. No person may hold the office of Monarch for more than two consecutive terms.

Section 3.    REGENT

  1. The Regent (�Prince Regent�, �Princess Regent�, �Prince Consort�, �Princess Consort�, �Prince�, �Princess�, etc.) is the second-highest ranking official in the kingdom and is the chief arts and sciences officer.
  2. The Regent shall be elected during the Month of the Crown.
  3. The Regent shall ascend to the position of pro-tem Monarch should the position of Monarch become empty.
  4. The Regent shall lead and be responsible for the College of Arts and Sciences and its weekly meetings (�Collegium�).
    1. The College of Arts and Sciences typically meets on Tuesday.
  5. The Regent shall be in charge of the coronation and midreign events.
  6. The Regent may bestow certain orders on any member of the Kingdom of Dragonspine and its sponsored chapters.
    1. The Regent may only grant Orders of the Rose, Lion, Owl, Dragon, Garber and Fa�ade.
    2. The Regent may create and bestow new orders in keeping with the duties of the Regent.
  7. The Regent is not required to pay any fees and is considered to be a dues-paid member while in office, and any dues already paid by the Regent shall resume after the Regent leaves offices.
  8. Should the position of Regent become empty, the Monarch must appoint a dues-paid member as pro-tem Regent for the remainder of the term of office.
  9. No person may hold the office of Regent for more than two consecutive terms.

Section 4.    CHAMPION

(See Note 2.)

  1. The Champion is the third-highest ranking official in the kingdom and is the chief safety officer.
  2. The Champion shall be the winner of the Champion�s Tourney held during the Month of the Crown.
  3. The Champion shall uphold the honor of the Crown and the Kingdom.
  4. The Champion shall organize battlegames and ditches on days when no predetermined scenarios are scheduled.
  5. The Champion is responsible for ensuring that all battlegames and battlefield equipment are legal and safe according to the Amtgard Rules of Play.
    1. The Champion may remove people or equipment from the field to ensure safety.
  6. The Champion shall maintain the kingdom�s lost and found.
  7. The Champion shall inspect all field equipment in use in the kingdom on a monthly basis.
    1. Monthly equipment checks shall be scheduled and announced ahead of time and shall be conducted in a public manner.
  8. The Champion shall maintain a supply of loaner weapons for use by new members.
  9. Should the position of Champion become empty, the Monarch must appoint a dues-paid member as pro-tem Champion for the remainder of the term of office.

Section 5.    PRIME MINISTER

(See Note 2.)

  1. The Prime Minister is the fourth-highest ranking official in the kingdom and is the secretary-treasurer of the kingdom.
  2. The Prime Minister shall be elected three months after the coronation of the Monarch.
    1. Candidates for Prime Minister must pass a reeves test with a score of 75% or better and a Corpora test with a score of 70% or better. These tests must be taken at or after the most recent Crown Qualifications.
  3. The Prime Minister must have regular and reliable access to a computer and the Internet.
  4. All kingdom elections shall be conducted by the Prime Minister, except (i) Prime Minister and Board elections, which shall be conducted by the Guildmaster of Reeves; (ii) the Circle of Knights, which shall conduct its own elections; and (iii) elections in which the Prime Minister is involved as a candidate, which shall be conducted by the Guildmaster of Reeves.
  5. The Prime Minister is responsible for maintaining accurate and current records of all members of the kingdom.
    1. The hard copy of the records shall be called the Book of the Living.
    2. Each member�s records shall include their (i) credits, (ii) dues-paid status. (iii), orders, masterhoods, titles and knighthoods, (iv) waiver information, (v) name, phone number and address, (vi) emergency contact information and (vii) persona information.
    3. An online version of the records shall be maintained and kept current to include all members� (i) credits, (ii) dues-paid status, and (iii) orders, masterhoods, titles and knighthoods.
    4. The records must be updated on a weekly basis.
    5. Records that have not been updated in the last six months shall be stored separately in the Book of the Dead.
  6. The Prime Minister is responsible for maintaining the kingdom treasury, and for maintaining accurate and current records thereof.
    1. Records of the treasury shall include detailed, clear, current and accurate information concerning (i) kingdom income, (ii) kingdom expenditures, (iii) current kingdom funds, and (iv) receipts for all expenditures.
    2. An accurate and current financial report must be provided by the Prime Minister for publication in every kingdom newsletter
    3. The Prime Minister must provide an accurate and current monthly report to the Treasurer of the Board of Directors.
  7. The Prime Minister shall collect all dues and fees.
  8. The Prime Minister shall maintain accurate and current records of all kingdom contractual obligations.
  9. The Prime Minister shall be responsible for providing kingdom members with copies of the club�s publications, including (i) rulebooks, (ii) the Corpora of Bylaws, (iii) newsletters, (iv) all supplements to the rulebook or Corpora, and (v) any other applicable publications.
    1. A fee may be charged for these publications to cover the cost of their production.
  10. The Prime Minister shall hold an automatic seat on the Board of Directors.
  11. Upon being elected, the Prime Minister shall assume financial responsibility for the treasury by signing a contract with the kingdom stating said responsibility.
    1. Should funds in the treasury go missing and the Prime Minister is found to be responsible, the Prime Minister will be required to make amends for those funds and may be subject to legal action.
  12. Should the position of Prime Minister become empty, the Guildmaster of Reeves shall conduct a new election to elect a pro-tem Prime Minister.


  1. The Guildmaster of Reeves (�GMR�) is the fifth-highest ranking official in the kingdom and is the chief rules officer.
  2. The Guildmaster shall be elected during the Month of the Crown. (See Note 3.)
  3. The Guildmaster of Reeves shall work with the Monarch and the Champion to ensure that the rules are applied accurately and fairly.
  4. The Guildmaster of Reeves shall work with the Champion to ensure that all battlefield equipment is legal and safe according to the Amtgard Rules of Play.
    1. The Guildmaster of Reeves may remove people or equipment from the field to ensure safety.
  5. The Guildmaster of Reeves shall ensure that there are an appropriate number of reeves at any local chapter event and that the conduct of those reeves is competent and fair.
  6. Prime Minister elections shall be conducted by the Guildmaster of Reeves.
  7. The Weaponmaster Tournament shall be conducted by the Guildmaster of Reeves.
    1. The Weaponmaster Tournament shall take place no more than three months after coronation, and shall otherwise be run according to the guidelines set forth for the Fighting Events of Crown Qualifications.
  8. The Guildmaster of Reeves must make reeve and Corpora tests available from three weeks prior to any election until the election itself, except for Board elections, and may make the tests available at other times on an individual basis.
    1. The reeve test must be written so that someone familiar with the Amtgard Rules of Play can pass the test with a score of 75% or greater.
    2. The Corpora test must be written so that someone familiar with this Corpora can pass the test with a score of 70% or greater.
    3. Both tests shall consist of twenty-five questions each.
    4. Someone may take three different versions of each test, one of which may be verbal, until they are considered to have failed the tests for purposes of running for an office that requires passing scores on each test.
    5. If the Guildmaster of Reeves is running for an office, then the tests will be administered by another member of the Reeves guild, selected by the majority of the guild.
  9. The Guildmaster of Reeves may be dismissed by a joint decision of the Monarch and the Prime Minister, or a two-thirds decision of the dues-paid members of the Reeves Guild who have earned reeve credits within the past six months. (See Note 3.)
  10. Should the position of Guildmaster of Reeves become empty, the dues-paid members of the Reeves Guild who have earned reeve credits within the past six months shall elect a pro-tem Guildmaster of Reeves. (See Note 3.)


  1. The Order of Precedence in the kingdom is Monarch, Regent, Champion, Prime Minister, and the Guildmaster of Reeves.
  2. The Order of Precedence exists to determine which person is in charge of events on any given meeting of Amtgard in Dragonspine.
  3. The Order of Precedence does not allow an officer to assume the duties of an office that is higher than their station, and only allows them to take charge in order to ensure that events proceed in a smooth and orderly fashion.


Note 1: This clause has been affected by amendment V.

Note 2: This section has been affected by amendment III.

Note 3: These clauses has been affected by amendment VIII.